Certifications and Industry training
At Kapu Solutions we hold some of the industry’s most rigorous certifications and training to provide our customers the best advice, design, engineering, operation, maintenance, and defense of their technology in both civil and military venues.
Current and Past Performance
Kapu Solutions providing information technology network optimization support to Pearl Harbor Naval Shipyard and Intermediate Maintenance Facility’s Shipyard Network (SYLAN) and Secure Network (SECNET). The contract is a multi-year firm-fixed-priced contract involving an assessment, recommendations, supported implementation, and knowledge transfer under DISA’s Defense Information Technology Contracting Organization (DITCO)-Pacific (HC1019-23-C-0010).
Kapu Solutions providing cybersecurity assessments and Penetration Tests to designated Hawaii small businesses under a State of Hawaii Department of Business, Economic Development and Tourism (DBEDT) RFP 24-05-BDSD valued at up $600,000.
Kapu Solutions providing OT/ICS cybersecurity STIG/SRG compliance assessments for the US Army Corps of Engineers Contract No: W9128A-19-D-0011 under Task Order No: W9128A21F0031
Kapu Solutions provided engineering support to AITC-Five Domains JV LLC’s $29M firm-fixed-price contract. Kapu Solutions has completed the information technology network design architecture and designed the Common Intelligence Picture (CIP) architecture for the Ministry of Defense in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia under The U.S. Army Contracting Command contracting activity (W900KK-21-C-0007).
Kapu Solutions provided Senior Technical Adviser support to BSEt, LLC’s $3M firm-fixed-price contract that supports the development, testing, fielding and sustainment of Naval Cyber Situational Awareness (NCSA), including providing data science, systems engineering, software development, system administration and system sustainment for the US Navy (N00039-23-C-9001).
Kapu Solutions provided Artificial Intelligence / Machine Learning, Strategic, and Military Operations assistance to United States Army Pacific (USARPAC) G2’s $200K Counter-Malign Influence R&D Data Insights Initiative. Kapu Solutions participated as a member of the Bowie State University Influence Operations National Innovation Center (BIONIC) Red Dawn initiative (47QFCA21F0042).
Kapu Solutions providing product development consultation, marketing, and business development services to Arovia for its Splay product line. Products were evaluated by Department of Defense innovation personnel and is pending a purchase agreement.